Short bio:
Three decades of existence has ensured that Sinister still commands an audience and 2017s Syncretism showed they had the songs to back up their place as death metal masters. Festival appearances and momentous records ensure Sinister have plenty of opportunities to bring their destruction to the masses.
Booking territory: Europe
Active since: 1988
Country: Netherlands
Current label: Massacre Records
Genre: Death Metal
Full length releases:
-Cross The Styx (1992)
-Diabolical Summoning (1993)
-Hate (1995)
-Aggressive Measures (1998)
-Creative Killings (2001)
-Savage Or Grace (2003)
-Afterburner (2006)
-The Silent Howling (2008)
-Legacy Of Ashes (2010)
-The Carnage Ending (2012)
-The Post-Apocalyptic Servant (2014)
-Dark Memorials (2015)
-Syncretism (2017)
-Deformation of the Holy Realm (2020)
Web links: